Saturday, February 25, 2012

Where Are You?

My worst delivery of the night was a customer I never even saw.  It was to a neighborhood in Moody that's usually pretty good with tips.  Not this house though.  They pulled the "Send the kids to the door so we don't have to tip" trick.  Not tipping is one thing, but at least don't tip me yourself without sending your kids to do it for you.  That's okay, because next time you order I'll pull the "You get your order last" trick.

Best customer of the night was to a house in a fairly bad part of Leeds.  The total for the order was $13.35.  When I got there the customer asked if I could make change for a $20 bill.  I told him that I couldn't because it was early in my shift and I didn't have change yet.  He told me to hold and went back in the house.  After a few minutes he came back and said he didn't have anything smaller so for me to just keep the change.  I offered to take his $20 to a store and get some change and he said don't worry about it.  Those are the customers that get the best service next time.

My last delivery of the night was a quick run up the street that turned into an almost hour and a half kick in the pants.  It was to Lynn Circle in Moody, but when I got there the address numbering was completely different from what I had on the ticket.  I called the customer and she said, "Oh no, are you all the way in Moody?"  I said, "Oh no, where are you?"  Turns out the call center got the wrong Lynn Circle because she was in Leeds.  I called the call center on my way to the correct address and got the order half price for her.  I finally got there and she gave me $5 and asked my name so she could call the store and tell them how helpful I was.  I'll be a manager in no time, I'm sure.

Worked 3.5 hours, had 5 deliveries, and made $28 in tips.

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